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its really smooth who coded it ? and whats the engine ? 

(2 edits)

Hey thanks, I'm the one who coded it (more of my games are here: Flowlab Game Creator - Make games online), and the engine is (it's a browser-based game creator intended to give a beginner-friendly start in game dev)

do you know any other engines ? 

(1 edit)

I've experimented with a few others, but this is the one I'm focusing on right now. Why do you ask?

its because we are looking for another programmer, would you be able to make ai act like semi smart zombies something like left 4 dead ? if so do you have any social I would like to show you what we are working on

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Sorry, I'm working on this and lots of other stuff, so I cannot

I really liked this game! It's pretty fun to play, and the character's movements and animations are awesome to watch. I think the whole concept is pretty solid and well done. It also fits the theme perfectly with a creative approach. Fantastic job!

yo this is awesome (:

really good really clean I'd love to see something in co op one day

maybe also a way to replenish your plasma by a little? idk I'm a silly billy (:

one MILLION balls of ooze out of ten

Thanks for playing this on stream, and yes, I plan to add multiplayer / co-op at some point, and definitely also a few ways for you to collect more plasma for your team